Maybe it's my stage of life, but I'm hearing more often that people are hopping off social media. I don't think I'm alone when I say that spending hours on social media does not produce good fruit. Now don't get me wrong, I see lots of good from social media with fundraisers, free marketing, connecting with long lost friends, and watching your friends' kids grow up. What I am saying is that devoting more time to mindlessly scrolling through social media rather than doing something more productive is a waste of precious minutes.
I noticed when I put my phone down after scrolling that I felt jealous, insignificant, inferior, and slightly snarky. After watching the Social Dilemma on Netflix I decided to start some new healthy habits. Luckily, iPhone has a screen time feature that can keep up with where you are spending your time. With that little feature I decided to not look at social media while in bed and to spend less than 30 minutes a day scrolling.
This really left me a little lost about what I should do with all my free time. I never realized how MUCH time I spent scrolling until I intentionally stopped. I tried to remember life before social media and started looking for things to do to curve my boredom. Here are some things I've found to do while spending less time social media-ing (in no particular order)...
1. Spend time with the people in your house.
When my husband realized I was no longer spending time "heads down" in my phone, he put his down too. We sit on the sofa and have lengthy conversations about our days, struggles, and victories. We drink coffee and sit while we enjoy the morning without the distraction of taking a peek into other people's lives. It's just the two of us enjoying intentional time together.
2. Seek out family and friends.
Remember the old days when you used to stop by people's houses and chat for a bit. I know that might not be socially acceptable anymore but shoot your friends/family a text and see if they're open to visitors. Reconnect. Spend quality time together without a screen and strengthen those relationships. Or even invite people over for a little get together. We started having Sunday night parties (like 4-6 people) with coffee, snacks, and usually a movie! I can't tell you how much I look forward to those nights with the people I love.
3. Exercise your animals (or kids).
I've been walking my dogs every day pretty regularly for several years now and it's amazing how much we all look forward to a little fresh air and stretching our legs. I've continued doing that but I also started just spending time sitting on the front porch while the dogs explore the front yard. Both my dogs are boys so they love getting outside and "claiming" what is theirs, chasing cats and goats, and laying in the sun. It's good for them and therapeutic for me. Relaxing outside does a great job of re-centering me and getting rid of anxiety I bring home from a day at work.
4. Get a hobby.
Read a book. Do arts and crafts. Pick up baking or cooking. Start exercising. Write a blog. Redecorate a space. Do SOMETHING that will bring you joy and keep your mind busy. My husband and I make videos. This hobby has become more of a side job but it's something we do together that we really love. Going out and capturing other people's greatest events brings us happiness and brings great, lasting memories to our clients.
5. Pray and read the Bible.
Use your newfound freedom to establish a deeper relationship with God. Maybe you spend 5 minutes a day or 5 hours a doesn't matter. Just intentionally pursue intimacy with God. Usually when I go for walks or sit on the front porch I like to visit with God and talk through my problems. It brings balance and stability to my life that I desperately need. The strengthened relationship with Him gives me the foundation I need to face the challenges of each day.
The new perspective allows me to see things for what they really are rather than having my thoughts be be tinted by my own issues. Reading the Bible centers me and reminds me of God's truth and love. I enjoy either following along with my church's reading schedule or just opening the Bible up to a random spot and start reading. I always get so much out of my time with God.
Life without social media seems simpler and sweeter. Now, I like to use it as a tool to reach out to someone, hop on a see pictures of the new baby, or watch a silly video that gets shared. For me, social media needs to remain just that: a tool that gets used occasionally. I definitely don't need a distraction that leads me away from truth. I am looking forward to seeing what God does in my life as I re-center my thoughts and time on things that bring lasting fruit.